Chapter 65: OpTic FOREVER

Chapter 65: OpTic FOREVER


We realized that everyone spent their time at camp quarantine differently, but there seemed to be one thing that invaded more homes than the Kool-Aid Man in the summer, and that was gaming. More people spent hours gaming during the pandemic, and the result is that the global gaming industry is expected to reach a value of $170 billion by the end of this year.

Now several people around here (and by here we mean weekly zoom calls) spend some time gaming, but we figured if we were going to dive into it then we’d better get some big guns of our own. We are not really ones to brag but we will. Not only did we get big guns, we got some of the fastest hands to sling said guns with us. When we reached out to Hecz and OpTic, it was the perfect storm. An ex-graffiti artist gone gamer gone-full-blown CEO, we knew this chapter was going to be sick.

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